
Homeopathy – Pt1

Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural system of healing that works with your body to relieve symptoms, restore itself, and improve your overall health. It is extremely safe to use, even with very small children and pets, has none of the side effects of many traditional medications, is very affordable, is made from natural substances, and is FDA regulated.

It is used to treat acute illnesses, like colds, ear infections, migraines, and sore throats, as well as chronic conditions, like asthma, depression, autism, and arthritis.

Homeopathic medicines – known as “remedies” – are made from natural sources (e.g., plants, minerals), and are environmentally friendly and cruelty free. Most are available over the counter in grocery stores, drug stores, health food stores, homeopathic pharmacies, and online. They are also extremely affordable. Homeopathic remedies when used as directed, are completely safe for everyone – including pregnant and nursing women, infants, children, and adults. They are given in such small doses that they don’t cause side effects.

One thing to note is that the word homeopathy is not a general or “umbrella” term that describes a variety of different natural therapies. Although homeopathic remedies are derived from natural substances, homeopathy should not be confused with herbal medicine, Chinese medicine, or other types of natural medicines. It is its own, unique therapeutic system.

Anyone can learn to treat simple conditions safely at home using homeopathy, but a professional should treat serious or life-threatening conditions.

How Homeopathic Medicines are Made

Homeopathic medicines are drug products made by homeopathic pharmacies in accordance with the standards and processes described in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS)—the official homeopathic manufacturing manual for the United States. Homeopathic medicines are regulated by the FDA and homeopathic pharmacies must comply with the FDA’s current Good Manufacturing Practices. The substances used to prepare homeopathic medicines include plants (such as Wolf’s Bane, Deadly Nightshade, dandelion, or plantain), minerals (for example, iron phosphate, arsenic oxide, or sodium chloride), or animal products (e.g., the venom of a number of poisonous snakes, or the ink of the cuttlefish). There are even a few homeopathic medicines prepared from chemical drug substances such as penicillin or streptomycin.

The technique for making a homeopathic medicine involves repeated dilution of a specific substance until little of the original substance remains. When manufacturing a homeopathic medicine from a plant, for example, the first step involves cleaning and preparing the plant with alcohol and water, as prescribed in the HPUS, to make a tincture. This tincture is then diluted and strongly shaken. This step is repeated over and over to create increasing potencies of the medicine. For example, one drop of a plant tincture may be mixed with 9 drops of alcohol (to achieve a ratio of 1:10), and the mixture will then be strongly shaken—a process known as succussion. The resulting homeopathic medicine is labeled with a potency according to the number of times this has been done.

We shall be dealing with different homeopathic  plants and


The bitter leaf plant is packed with so many health benefits. According to the tribes in Nigeria, It is known as Elewuro amongst the Yorubas, it is called Shuwaka by the Hausas and it is used in preparing the famous Onugbu soup by the Igbo people.

Apart from its culinary delicacy, the bitter leaf is well known for its healing potency. With a characteristic bitter taste, It reminds people that life is not always sweet and bitterness often preceeds sweetness.

Below are some of the health benefits of Bitter leaf juice extract (Vernonia amygdalin) enjoy the read:

Bitter leaf juice relieves fever and feverish conditions

Blood sugar lowering power

It helps to reduce high sugar level in the blood, thus great for diabetic patients. Bitter leaf also helps to repair the pancreas. Squeeze some fresh leaves in few litres of water and take two glasses thrice daily. Some people take a handful of bitter leaf and eat it too. According to a study published in the Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources, researchers at the University of Jos, it stated that the crude chloroform extract of the Bitter leaves has an anti-diabetic effect in rats with Diabetes mellitus (Type 2 diabetes) under laboratory condition.

Similarly, researchers writing in the Medical Journal of  World Academy of Sciences said that

“…the administration of aqueous extract of bitter leaf at a concentration of 500 mg/kg of body weight significantly decreased the level of blood glucose. Its efficacy to lower blood glucose level was comparable with that of chlorpropamide, a standard drug used in the management of diabetes.”

Indeed, a Bitter leaf-based herbal anti-diabetic medication has passed human clinical trials and received a United States Patent for the treatment of diabetes far back as 2008.


 Antibacterial properties

The fresh juice extract, when applied to the skin, helps with rashes, eczema, ringworms and any superficial skin ailments.

 Body detoxifier

Taking a cup of bitter leaf juice a day is a great way to detoxify the body of toxins (poisons from metabolism and /or those from external sources like air pollution and otherwise).

 Boost lactation and milk let-down

Bitter leaf juice has been proven by researchers to increase breast milk production in nursing mothers.

Worm expeller

As a home remedy, the washed roots and stalks of the bitter leaf can be boiled and taken as a worm expeller.

  Hastening childbirth
The aqueous extract of the Bitter leaf can help in inducing labour. Ugandan researchers studying the use of Bitter leaf herbal remedies in stimulating childbirth traditionally in rats found that the water extract of the plant showed marked rat uterine stimulation (oxytocic). This is an indication that Bitter leaf can hasten childbirth or cause abortion if used in preterm pregnancy.

In Malawi, a survey found that the dried bark of Bitter leaf is used to improve contractions of the womb during childbirth.

Prevents toothache
Researchers in 2005 edition of the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines say that chewing the stem of Bitter leaf helps to prevent Gingivitis (a tooth-gum problem) and toothache due to its proven antimicrobial activity says. Whilst the bitter taste may make it unappealing to many people for everyday use, a person with embarrassing gingivitis or a toothache may benefit from using it.

The  various benefits cannot be overemphasized and the need for proper medical supervision and management should be followed

To be continued…




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