About Us

VIFA is God’s idea on Earth, a multi-national and multi-ethnic church family, with the following mandate.

  • To rescue men from satanic bondage
  • Raise Eagle Christians all over the world
  • Raise men and women too powerful for their enemies and adversaries to handle
  • Raise people whose voice cannot be ignored
  • Raise occupiers of the places of honor
  • Raise kingdom wealth trusties
  • To make a people who are familiar with “victory on every side”.

VIFA is a 21st century church on the edge positioned to making global impact.


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Apostle Moses N. Grandeur

Apostle Moses N. Grandeur is a humble man of God, born again 1979 and called into ministry in 1982. He got married to bishop Angel N. Grandeur same year and blessed with 5 children and grandchildren.
He is a missionary Apostle to the core with apostolic signs following his ministry as he travels around the world.
Till date, He is:
  1. An author of over 20 books and still counting.
  2. He is the arch-bishop of VIFA Worldwide Inc
  3. Prelate of New Audacity Apostolic Collage of Bishops Inc.
  4. Rector, Victory Int’l Bible School Inc.
  5. President, Grandeur Apostolic Network Outreach Inc.
  6. Chairman, Bright Stalwart Academy Inc.
  7. C.E.O, Grandeur Care Foundation Inc.
  8. Member, United International Association of Pentecostal Bishops Inc.
  9. Member of Betel Churches of Christ Bishops-USA.
  10. Chairman, Voice of God Media Ltd.
  11. He’s happily married and resides in Lagos, Nigeria.
VISION: To take the gospel of victory to victims globally.
We believe:
1. That the Holy Bible consisting of sixty-six (66) books is the inspired, authentic, authoritative and infallible word of God. 1Tiothy3: 16-17.
2. That the God-Head consist of three persons in one; the Father, the Son and the holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19, 1John 5:7
3. In true repentance towards God. Acts 20:21
4. In justification and regeneration. John3:3
5. In restitution where and when possible. Luke 19:8-9
6. In sanctification (Holy living) 1Thess 4:3
7. In Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and in the gift of the Holy Spirit. Mark 16:17-18, Act 2:1-3
8. In Water Baptism by immersion. Matthew 28:19-20
9. In Divine Healing. Isaiah 53:3, 1Peter 2:24
10. That the Lord’s Supper should be observed by all baptized believers. 1Corinthians 11:23-26
11. In Heaven and Hell. Revelation 14:10-11
12. That marriage is biding for life. Matthew 19:19. 1Corithians 7:15 and between a man and a woman. Genesis 2:24
13. That the giving of Tithes and offerings are recommended for all believers. Malachi, 3:7-18, Genesis 14:20, Luke 18: 12
14. That the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is as literal and as visible as His first ascension to Heaven. Acts 1:9-11, John 14:13
15. In Evangelism. Matthew 28:18-20
16. In Prayer and Fasting. Esther 4:16-17, Matthew 9:15
17. That we are children of God by adoption. Galatians 4:5
18. That every believer should prosper. Psalm 112: 3, 111 John 2, 2Corithian 8: 9
19. In victory over self, sin and Satan. 1 John 5:4-5, 1 John 4:4
This is my Bible, it contains the word of God and says that whatever I come against or comes against me, I have victory on every side, and this is our victory, even our faith.
And now, may the covenant keeping God, The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ protect us, give us victory and keep us alive, guide us by His Holy Spirit, crown us Favour & life evermore (Amen). Keep soaring and remain on top with victory on every side!
An extra ordinary Church, composed of responsible people who accomplish extra ordinary feats, a community of Eagles with a mandate to change our world!
I don't care what tribe you belong to, but as long as in Jesus you trust, and if by grace through faith you are been saved, you are my brother so give me you hand, you are my sister, give me your hand.
Am here to serve and be serviced by God to make things happen for His Kingdom.

