
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me (John 10:27).

Many people are in a dilemma today because they ignore the Holy Spirit; they make important life decisions, inadvertently ignoring His counsel. If you would follow His counsel in all things, your life would be void of stress; much more excellent and full of glory.

Having the Holy Spirit live in you is the greatest blessing of all. He’s your advantage and the secret to a glorious and successful life. Therefore, you must recognize and take advantage of His presence and guidance.

Christ has been made wisdom unto you, and so the Holy Spirit’s voice is God’s wisdom leading, instructing and guiding you. Don’t just live and do things aimlessly; be led by Him. Romans 8:14 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”

Always listen for His counsel from within you; He speaks to us on life’s issues through the Word. However, because His counsel and voice is never strong and harsh against us, many ignore Him, to their detriment.

Practice listening to Him. He always seeks to talk to you, and does talk to you actually, even more than you want to hear His voice. He already gave you the Scripture; the complete message of the Gospel. That’s our instruction manual for life.

To hear Him, therefore, you have to become more acquainted with Him, and be familiar with His voice, through study and meditation on the Word. Remember, He’s the author of the Holy Scriptures. Also, you must learn to respond to Him the right way and promptly too!

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